The sanitarium's morgue. Ewwww.

What appears to be a dentist chair...Or was it a tool used in some cruel experiments? bwahahahaa!

One of the many dark hallways in the place.

Same hallway moments later. White orb-like shapes showed up in this pic. It could very possibly be just dust particles. It was quite dirty in there.

This pic. is defintely something I cannot explain. This one was taken in the upstairs (which is off limits to the public, btw...shhh!...Don't report me!) in the Moon River Pub in Savannah, Ga. Best Friend and I sneaked up there when no one was looking because we had been told it was extremely haunted. We peeked into some rooms and snapped some shots. All of the sudden, Best Friend shrieked. "What is it?" I asked. She told me to look at the top of the stairs. I did and saw nothing. "There's nothing there," I said. She insisted there was and I looked again. Nothing. Then I happened to notice she was looking at the top of the stairs through her digital camera screen. I looked through it also and saw this purple misty shape floating around at the top of the stairs. My heart stopped. I looked at the top of the stairs with my naked eyes again and again I saw nothing. But when I looked into the screen I could see it. "Is your shutter frozen?" I asked her and then yelled for her to, "Take a picture! Take a picture!" It took a few seconds to get the shutter to work. Then we ran like hell back down the stairs and looked at the picture she just snapped. This picture is the result. It's a bit blurry because we went by the no-flash rule. It's pretty much what I saw through the screen, only a bit brighter. (Most likely due to the longer exposure the shot required without using the flash.) I have zoomed in on it and it just looks like a huge misty purple blob. I just don't know what it is! A part of me wants to go back and check it out again. Who wants to come along? :)
**who wants to come along?
me...but I wont promise u that i'll ever be the same again!
jeeez those pics r indeed creepy! wut r u girl, a paranormal activity specialist?
Oh it was one of Atlanta's disco clubs. I have seen this kind of scene many times. The purple light, obnoxious DJ who looks like a ghost etc etc.
That hallway looks filthy. But there is no way I am going to a place like this.
Oh you need to tell me when you are in Seattle. Maybe we can get together for a latte. I promise not to discuss economics.
I posted about a few places like that here in WV some time ago, and in my hometown of Philadelphia, there's Eastern State pennitentary and Byberry State mental hospital, both closed and both really creepy.
Wow, not only amazing, but pretty! I've never heard of a purple ghost... seems strange that a place like that is just able to be explored. Creepy.
Keshi...Then come along, girl! And no, I'm not a paranormal activity specialist just a skeptic who likes to be scared out of my mind from time to time.
Yrautca...You're too funny! Glad you helped me clarify. And the hallway WAS filthy, as was the entire place. I'd probably go back there only because nothing scary happened to me (but I would NEVER go alone) but go back to that battlefiend I mentioned??....Ummm, probably not! Oh, and I'll let you know when/if I get to make it to Seattle. I can't wait.
RT...Ah, you're from Philly? I have been there, too. I did one of the hokey ghost tours there. It was so much fun. I also saw the Eastern State Penn.! I wish that I could have went in it. I have heard many stories about it!
TS...Never heard of a purple ghost? Me either. Maybe it was Barney???
**just a skeptic who likes to be scared out of my mind from time to time.
guess u n I r alike then :)
Heyyy girl thanks so much for ur words in my latest post...the HUG really meant alot to me. What happend to ur best friend? Can I ask?
that's really cool stuff... I love scary, spooky things.. I have to get you some of the pics of the asylum that we visited last year... it's many blocks long and has been abandoned for many years... very eerie... I'll see what I can do...
Hoh in June? Love to... unlikely as I'll be gone for many weeks with the military so the boss won't allow me to take off extra time... how about a trip to Michigan for the annual stargazing party... ;)
nice blog!! i'll keep coming here often !!
Thanks for telling me abt ur friend..I was touched and I cant help but cry for her...tears r dancing in my eyes right now for a beautiful unknown soul...
EEK! I've eaten at a haunted place!
we really really need to make it to the nut house together sometime
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