I have been a slug on this uneventful weekend. I was supposed to go on a hike with some friends on Saturday until one by one they backed out on me. (YOU PUNKS! :) I was going to go by myself (as usual), but then I woke up with a terrible stomach ache and nausea. Guess if they didn’t back out on me, I would have been the backer-outer. (And I KNOW if that had happened, they would have called ME a punk!)
I am wondering if maybe the food I ate Friday night might have been what made me sick. I guess it is punishment for eating food that is not on my Hotness Plan. Haha. Whatever. I went back to Atlanta to go out with Best Friend and some of the other girls I met from her training. We had a good time, had a few drinks, ate at the restaurant that made me sick and had a crack-head for a waitress. I am not kidding! She was indeed a true crack-head. She was soooo high! It was quite painful watching her count out money. I guess we should have taken it as an omen when the hostess, when finding out who our server would be, told us the name of the manager in case we needed him. Nice.
I also went back to Atlanta on Saturday night to see Best Friend, even though I still felt quite sickly. This is her last weekend here before she goes back to Salt Lake. She graduated flight attendant school on Friday. (Yay! Congrats Best Friend!) I’m so excited that she picked me as her Flight Companion (and even though that sounds really gay, it’s NOT) so that I get the benefits of flying for about 3 cents a mile anywhere the airline flies, even international. It’ll cost me $15 to fly to Salt Lake as opposed to the approximately $400 I am used to paying. I’m writing out my list of places to go right now! Thank you, Best Friend, thank you!!!
So it’s the final countdown for spring break. Five more days! I will be going to meet my brother in a bit for a trip to REI so we can decide what food we want to take to Cumberland Island. I would also like to purchase a more detailed map of the island’s trails than the one I have. I need to start packing up my backpack and weighing it out. Even though the island trails are mostly flat, they are quite sandy and carrying a too-heavy pack around for about 30 miles or so isn’t recommended. I am praying that the weather warms up before this weekend. It has been colder these last few days here than it was any day in January. Crazy! So as long as it warms up, it should be a great backpacking trip roaming around with wild horses. The rest of the break isn’t carved in stone. All I know is that I want to drive far away from here to somewhere pretty. Can’t wait to see where I end up.
It’ll be hard to top last year’s spring break, though. I flew to Salt Lake to see Best Friend. We managed to drive up to and hike in the Columbia River Gorge on both the Oregon and Washington sides. Then later that week we went to Moab, Utah and rented a Jeep Rubicon and did some jeeping along the slickrock. It was awesome! Maybe I’ll post some pics. from that trip next time.
Until next time…it’s five days and counting!
2 weeks ago
I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Where is Cumberland Island? You have it all planned for spring break. I guess I might just try a different Starbucks for mine. That flight deal looks unbelievable. Good for you. Talked to mom yesterday and she told me how cold it was in ATL. After reading your blog I really want to go out somewhere in the elements and have an outdoorsy adventure.
Thank you.I'm feeling better today.
Cumberland Island is the southermost of the barrier islands of Georgia's coast. It's so unbelievable. It's hard to remember that it's in Georgia when you are there.
BTW, everytime you mention Starbucks, I begin to drool. It was my addiction until I decided to go on my Hotness Plan. Now its just my reward.
Come along for an outdoorsy adventure! It'd be fun to have some company.
You are a punk. Technically I didn't back out on ya, someone forced me. Besides, my dark side powers told me that you were going to feel sick anyways. We can go on a hiking trip ourselves and a tough one at that to make up for your slacker ways.
OG, I dont get anything but a drip coffee from Starbucks with some non-fat milk. I dont think that would ruin anybody's hotness plan.
I would REALLY like to go on an outdoorsy adventure. It may have to wait until May 16 (my exam). I can take a week off from work. Please note however that I will be a novice and may start screaming if I saw a snake. I may also need some advice on what to wear and bring.
Hey girl girl... sorry I haven't been around this weekend... I just got home from Naval reserve duty and I am so totally tired out... I need a good massage... I am exhausted... we are leaving for the middle east in a week... ugh!!!! not looking forward to it... won't be gone that long though .. .yeah!!!! It sounds like your spring break is going to be fun... I want to go!! darn it!!
missed ya JD ;)
OMG! That flight buddy thing is the coolest thing I've ever heard! IF I had a deal like that I would sell my house and travel around the world constantly. Crazy! It almost makes me want to become a flight attendant and then I remember that I hate to fly because my ears never pop (seriously, it's a real problem) so I could never do it as a job. I suffer through the pain for vacations though.
Have an awesome trip!
Super Villain...You're right. It wasn't your fault. I guess L. is the real punk!!!! And we'll make it up when we hit the AT! We'll just have to leave the punks behind.
Yrautca...We will be in a world of trouble if we see a snake then. haha. They are my worst fear. Let's go to Bermuda. There aren't any snakes in Bermuda. ;)
Your Starbucks coffee wouldn't ruin my hotness plan, but MY Starbucks Mint Chocolate Frappaccino would. :)
JD...Welcome back! You have been missed terribly!I'm so glad that you won't be in the middle east for long. All your blogger babes will miss you! ;)
wow u realy go places girl...wonderful!
**Guess if they didn’t back out on me, I would have been the backer-outer. (And I KNOW if that had happened, they would have called ME a punk!)
LOL aww...I can eat real hot stuff...btw Im Sri Lankan na :)
Moab is my dream mountain biking destination. I would love to get out there for a visit sometimes, also would like to see canyonlands... such foreign views from what I am used to.
SS...The flight companion deal is really sweet. The only catch to it is that it's all standby (so no thinking I can run off on a 3 day holiday weekend and be back on time for work) But then again, it's also all first class! :)
Keshi...You're in Sri Lankan? How cool! I'll bet you can eat spicy food. I can,too...usually! :)
Scott...I was lucky enough to visit all the National Parks in Southern Utah...Canyonlands, Arches, Capitol Reef, Bryce Canyon, and Zion. It is SO awesome there. I hope you can make it there some time! :)
I'd have gone hiking with you! Anyway, there's a few abandoned railroad right of way's I want to explore down your way in the next year or so... Maybe you and your friends would care to go along?
Hi ;)
Im Sri Lankan by birth but I live in Aus :)
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